Spinal Cord Injury

Spinal Cord Injury

According to the SIA (Spinal Injuries Association), in the UK 2,500 people sustain a Spinal Cord Injury every year. The spinal cord is a bundle of nerves that extends from the brain and forms part of your central nervous system. The responsibility of the spinal cord is to communicate information to and from the brain to all areas of the body. When the spinal cord is injured, there is an interruption in this communication activity to the body – this can lead to a loss of movement in your limbs and a loss function to your internal organs.

Physiotherapists at Complete Neuro Rehab offer specialist support for people with Spinal Cord Injury. Our ethos is to promote recovery and support individuals to feel in charge of their body in the recovery journey.

In your assessment, we look at a variety of postural positions which might include in your chair, on a bed, in unsupported sitting and standing. We offer advice and education relating specifically to your physical health. Home exercise therapy is important in order to carry over the movement training that you complete under our guidance. We encourage positioning, posture training and movement therapy and support you with the necessary resources and equipment advice in order to train and move at home in addition to your Physiotherapy sessions.

How we treat people with Spinal Cord Injury at Complete Neuro Rehab

We use a variety of training techniques that are all geared around allowing you to experience and train lasting neural connection. Whilst we cannot guarantee that we can move you to independent walking, we can guarantee that you will gain control over more complex movements of your body, and gain confidence with movement. We train our clients from the ground up to facilitate this type of connection.

We use techniques in different postural positions to help you train and communicate with areas of your body that you may or may not have sensory awareness. This might include training rolling, side lying, sitting, kneeling all the way up to standing. We have specialise equipment such as the LiteGait body weight support system, the Tyrostation for balance training on the TYMO and PABLO, the OMEGO pre-gait trainer and many more innovative pieces of equipment.

We feel it is very important in management of day to day life with Spinal Cord Injury that you have a robust home exercise regime to manage pain, encourage your movement and maintain and improve your muscle length and strength.


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